Working Across Cultures

Cross-cultural awareness

Turning every cultural clash into a meeting of minds

In a rapidly expanding global marketplace, it is crucial to understand the economic benefits cultural awareness can bring. In this context, we understand culture to mean a diverse collection of traits ranging from nationality and corporate culture to generational differences and beyond.

Understanding and appreciating diversity not only promotes clearer communication and breaks down barriers, it also builds trust, strengthens relationships and yields tangible results in terms of business success.

This seminar provides business professionals with cultural competency and a deep understanding of the impact of culture in their business relationships. Practical exercises demonstrate how culture can influence business relationships, practices and policies, and provide strategies for using it positively. Participants return to their companies with a fresh perspective, an awareness of the leading models of cross-cultural understanding and the ability to actively apply them.

Seminar content

  • Defining culture and learning how culture affects attitudes and values
  • Controlling the impact of cultural values on business transactions
  • Making practical use of leading cultural theories and frameworks
  • Utilising a “culture briefing” based on customs, etiquette and protocol
  • Recognising problems and predicting sensitive issues
  • Understanding the impact of digitalisation on team culture
  • Creating your own culture toolkit

Target group

Anyone interested in maximising the advantages of working in a diverse business environment. This seminar is held in English and focuses on the skill (as opposed to simply the language) of communicating across cultures. We therefore recommend an upper-intermediate level of English (high B2 or C1 based on the Common European Framework of Reference) for participation.

At a glance

  • Two days
  • In-company seminar – max. 6 participants; dates and prices available on request
  • Seminar at an EnglishBusiness training centre – max. 6 participants; locations, dates and prices available on request

Your contact person:

Marlen Schrader

Get in touch with Marlen:

Phone: +49 (0)40 650 5253
